Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Buck Rogers in the 25th Century

A 20th century astronaut is caught in a freak accident in deep space, causing his spacecraft Ranger 3 to be blown into an orbit that returns him to Earth almost 500 years later. Earth is recovering from a nuclear war and is coming under hostile attack by the Draconian Empire. The later series has based on a spaceship exploring the unknown reaches of space.

Buck Rogers - S01E01-E02 - Awakening, pt1-pt2
In 1987, lone NASA astronaut Buck Rogers is piloting Earth's last space shuttle mission, Ranger 3, when a mishap shuts down life support and he is frozen for 504 years. He awakens in the year 2491 aboard the alien flagship Draconia which is headed to Earth for a diplomatic conference. The Draconians repair Buck's shuttle, but secretly plant a homing beacon aboard to track its way through Earth's defense shield. Upon arriving at Earth, Buck is escorted to the city of New Chicago by starfighters commanded by Col. Wilma Deering. Once at the city, Buck meets by Dr. Huer who tells him he is now in the 25th century and that everyone he knew had been killed centuries ago in a nuclear holocaust. When the tracking device is discovered, the authorities accuse Buck of espionage, but Buck claims the Draconians have set him up and that their representative, the ravishing Princess Ardala, is arriving in an armed warship which violates the peace treaty with Earth. The authorities refuse to believe Buck and sentence him to be executed. Wilma has second thoughts, however, and arranges to give Buck a chance to prove his innocence. Buck then sets out to prove the Draconians' hostile intent by seducing Ardala and sabotaging her attack fighters before she can launch them against Earth. Note: This two-hour pilot episode is a revised version of the theatrical release "Buck Rogers in the 25th Century", with a different opening credits sequence and additional scenes. It was syndicated as a two-part episode.
Buck Rogers - S01E03-E04 - Planet of the Slave Girls, pt1-pt2
The Earth Defense Directorate faces a crisis when nearly everyone becomes sick after eating poisoned food. An attempt is made to create an antidote but the plan is thwarted when the laboratory is sabotaged and an assassin takes aim at Dr. Huer. Buck and Wilma then pursue leads to the planet Vistula where the contaminated food was exported from and there they find a world engaged in slave labor. A slave girl named Ryma, hopeful Buck will help her people, informs him about the food processing center where the food is being poisoned. Buck and Wilma then discover the poisoning is part of an elaborate plot by a fanatical religious leader and slave trader with paranormal powers named Kaleel. After Wilma is captured, Buck and Major Duke Danton, (Wilma's former boyfriend), attempt to rescue her from Kaleel's mountain fortress. Meanwhile, Kaleel plans to invade Earth with a secret strike force while their defenses are incapacitated.
Note: This was a two-hour episode, later syndicated as a two-part episode.

Buck Rogers - S01E05 - Vegas in Space
A young woman, Felina Redding, is kidnapped and her employer, a notorious smuggler named Amos Armat, comes to Dr. Huer for help. Armat believes his competitor, the feared crime boss Morgan Velosi, kidnapped Felina because she knows too much about his organization after stumbling upon a computer code that controls three-fourths of Armat's covert operations. If helped, Armat offers to turn himself in for his crimes, for Felina is not only an employee, but his daughter as well (a fact to which she is unaware). Huer initially refuses, but is persuaded by Major Marla Landers when she questions that Armat has technical secrets of Draconian Marauders that have been preying on Earth's shipping lanes. Buck takes the mission alongside Major Landers and the two arrive at Velosi's orbital casino resort of Sinaloa. While Landers uses her charm to distract Velosi, Buck rescues Felina before a hired interrogator, Carl Morphus, can conduct a potentially fatal mind probe on her.

Buck Rogers - S01E06 - The Plot to Kill a City, pt1
After capturing Raphael Argus, a notorious assassin, Buck learns that the killer is to attend a meeting with a group of terrorists known as the "Legion of Death" on the planet Aldebaran II. Since none of the group knows what Argus looks like, Buck assumes his identity and goes in his place. Buck meets the group's leader Seton Kellogg, and learns that each member has a unique ability – Sharese is an empath, capable of reading the emotions of other people; Jolen Quince is a telekinetic who can move objects with the power of his mind; Marcos has superior strength, and Varek is a mutant with the power to walk through solid matter. Argus was a master combatant and Buck passes Kellogg's test of skill. Buck's true identity is briefly questioned by the presence of Joella Cameron, one of Argus's girlfriends, but she goes along with the deception to help Buck. However his cover is eventually blown when an informant named Barney, who knew the real Argus, confirms he is an impostor. By then, Buck had already learned the group's plan to destroy New Chicago by sabotaging the city's antimatter power plant, and he and Joella race back to Earth to stop them.

Buck Rogers - S01E07 - The Plot to Kill a City, pt2
Buck Rogers - S01E08 - Return of the Fighting 69th
Buck and Wilma go after a notorious gunrunner named Corliss who has stolen a stockpile of deadly nerve agent from the 20th-Century and plans to attack Earth with it. When two rookie pilots are killed trying to pursue Corliss to his base within the treacherous asteroid belt, Wilma reluctantly seeks the help of a long retired fighter pilot named Noah Cooper and his legendary "Fighting 69th" squadron. Because of their age, Wilma has doubts about the squadron's reliability, but Noah's team sets out to prove they still have what it takes to get the mission done. During the attack, Buck and Wilma are captured by Corliss and his wife Roxanne Trent who both show off horrible scars from injuries they received thanks to Wilma during a previous confrontation. Wanting Buck and Wilma to suffer as they did, Corliss plans to torture them once he deals with the geriatric bombers. Eventually, Roxanne's deaf/mute slave girl Alicia helps Buck and Wilma escape, and the three hurry to escape the complex before the ensuing bombing run.

Buck Rogers - S01E09 - Unchained Woman
Posing as a prisoner named Valzhan, Buck is taken to an underground penal colony on Zeta Minor where he springs a female inmate named Jen Burton. Jen is wanted by the Earth's Directorate so she can testify about the criminal activities of her pirate boyfriend Malary Pantera. However, Pantera happens to have a business associate back on Earth, Ted Warwick, the Zetan government diplomat whose involvement could be exposed if Jen testifies. While Buck and Jen try to rendezvous with Wilma, Warwick tips off Pantera and he sends his goons after them. However, Buck and Jen's worst problem is a malfunctioning android prison guard, damaged during Jen's prison break, that is bent on destroying the both of them.

Buck Rogers - S01E10 - Planet of the Amazon Women
Buck helps two sisters whose ship is found adrift above the planet Xantia. After towing them home, a man named Cassius Thorne takes Buck into custody and has him sold at auction as a mate to the Prime Minister's daughter Ariela Dyne. Buck learns from other male prisoners that Thorne has a lucrative business in kidnapping men to sell to the women of his planet since most of Xantia's males were killed or captured in a war with the neighboring planet Ruatha. After meeting Ariela, Buck finds the girl strongly opposed to slavery and plans to end her mother's reign. Meanwhile, Wilma arrives looking for Buck and learns that Ariela is planning to meet with the Ruathan leader and expose the truth that Xantia has no warriors. Wilma tries to stop Ariela before the fragile political repercussions drag Earth into war as well.

Buck Rogers - S01E11 - Cosmic Whiz Kid
Buck is forced away from a vacation trip by Lieutenant Dia Cyrton who is the bodyguard of a 493 year-old, child super-genius, Hieronymus Fox – the president of the planet Genesia. Originally from Earth's 20th-Century, Fox developed advanced cryogenics technology and had himself frozen before the nuclear holocaust. After being thawed in the 25th-Century, Fox helped the struggling Genesia colony and they made him their leader. Now the boy has been kidnapped for ransom by a political dissident named Roderick Zale who holds Fox captive on Aldebaran II. Buck and Dia work to infiltrate Zale's hideout and must dodge elaborate security fields and a superhuman assassin before Zale carries out his threat to kill Fox.

Buck Rogers - S01E12 - Escape from Wedded Bliss
Princess Ardala attacks New Chicago with an indestructible alien weapon and orders the Earth leaders to hand over Buck Rogers or she will destroy every city on the planet. Instead of turning himself over, Buck goes off to find a man named Garedon – a Draconian defector living in seclusion on Earth who knows the layout of Ardala's warship. Unfortunately, the man is insane with fear of being captured and the only way to learn what he knows is to probe his mind. In the meantime, Buck surrenders to Ardala who wants him to marry her in exchange for sparing Earth. Buck plays along until Wilma and Dr. Huer can relay the location of the alien weapon control system so he can destroy it and end Ardala's hold over Earth.

Buck Rogers - S01E13 - Cruise Ship to the Stars
After the galactic beauty queen "Miss Cosmos" is attacked by a mysterious woman, Buck and Wilma are assigned to protect her while she travels aboard a luxury space liner. There, Buck encounters a shy girl named Alison Michaels who suffers from periodic blackouts to which her boyfriend Jay Davin dismisses as mental stress brought on by hypertension. After another attack against Miss Cosmos, Buck confronts the assailant, a wild-haired woman named Sabrina who demonstrates superhuman strength and powerful psychokinetic abilities. When Buck checks on Alison, she confesses to having visions of committing crimes and hurting people. Buck begins suspecting that Sabrina and Alison are the same and that Jay is exploiting her abilities so that they can capture Miss Cosmos and sell her perfect genetics on the black market. Dr. Theopolis later confirms this and identifies Alison as a transmute, a split personality with the genetic ability to transform into an entirely separate entity during times of extreme emotional distress. Buck sets a trap for the alter persona in hopes of saving Alison from the monster that lurks inside her.

Buck Rogers - S01E14 - Space Vampire
Buck and Wilma arrive at Theta Station to have Twiki serviced, but soon a freighter collides with the base. The freighter's crew are all found in a strange state that is somewhere between life and death, and believing a virus may be responsible, the station commander puts the base under quarantine. Soon however, Wilma feels a cold, evil presence stalking her and several station crew begin turning up "half-dead". Buck finds a video from the ship that recorded a man confronting an unseen attacker called a "Vorvon". He later learns that the Vorvon is a vampire-like being of legend that can drain the life energy from its victims and turn them into zombies. Soon the creature attacks Wilma and Buck sets a trap to destroy the monster before it turns her into an vampire like itself.

Buck Rogers - S01E15 - Happy Birthday, Buck
Nearing his 534th birthday, Buck is feeling homesick for the 20th-Century and Wilma plans a surprise party to cheer him up. To lure Buck out of his apartment and allow Wilma to set up the party, Dr. Huer assigns him to escort a psychic courier named Raylyn Derren to New Detroit. At the city, an assassin named Cornell Traeger, who has a mutant power to alter molecular structures, plans to kill Dr. Huer as revenge for sending him on a disastrous mission 15 years ago. Traeger has since spent the time in prison on an alien planet and blames Huer for his suffering. Traeger abducts the courier to find out where Huer is and Buck must stop him before he can carry out the killing.

Buck Rogers - S01E16 - A Blast for Buck
A strange device materializes upon Dr. Huer's desk and presents a riddle for Buck. Unable to solve the peculiar puzzle, Dr. Huer believes that the device was sent by someone with a grudge against Buck so he scans Buck, Wilma and Twiki's memories to review many of the villains they have crossed paths with. Meanwhile, Dr. Theopolis tries to logically narrow down the culprit – or the prankster – responsible for the curious riddles.
Note: This episode is a "clip show," composed mainly of footage from previous episodes.

Buck Rogers - S01E17 - Ardala Returns
After a pilot is killed testing a new Draconian "Hatchet Fighter" designed by Kane, Princess Ardala orders the program cancelled, but changes her mind when she comes up with an idea for a replacement pilot. Later, Buck investigates a derelict space capsule that appears to be from the 20th-Century, but once aboard he learns that it is a trap to capture him. Buck is taken aboard Ardala's flagship where she shows Buck a cloning lab where Kane has made an android copy of him called a Zygot. Kane then records Buck's combat experience with a special suit that directly records Buck's neural memory. He then implants the information into the android, and eventually the others he is making, that will ultimately pilot a wave of his new fighters against Earth. Buck tries to escape, but finds Ardala has sent one of his clones to Earth as an imposter, rigged with a bomb capable of destroying New Chicago.

Buck Rogers - S01E18 - Twiki is Missing 
After an uprising of miners on the asteroid Toros, the mining operator, Kerk Belzak, wishes to replace the human workers with robotic drones. Belzak sets his eyes on Twiki, the most advanced robot drone known, to use as a model to make copies. He sends his enforcers, the Omniguard, a trio of female paranormals with psychokinetic powers to buy Twiki from Buck, but Buck refuses to sell him. The ladies then resort to stealing the robot and Buck goes after them. Buck soon learns that Stella Breed, the leader of the Omniguard, is being forced to serve Belzak, who holds the life of her son in his hands. Meanwhile, Wilma guides a massive "spaceberg" composed of frozen oxygen into Earth's atmosphere in an attempt to replenish the planet's breathable air, but the berg is put in danger of exploding when it veers off course.

Buck Rogers - S01E19 - Olympiad
Buck is invited to present the Earth's flag at the 2492 Olympic Games on the planet Mycos. There he meets an astrosled pilot named Lara Tizian who begs Buck to help her boyfriend Jorax Leet escape from the games. Jorax is from a repressive world called Lozeria and is trying to defect with Lara to Earth to escape being used as a political figurehead by the Lozerian hierarchy, but they have implanted a molecular bomb in his head which, if detonated, will not only kill him, but anyone around him. With Lara and Wilma's help, Buck tries to steal a remote detonator which is in the possession of Jorax's ruthless sponsor, Allerick. However, another problem arises when Dr. Theopolis warns a back-up detonation signal can be sent from the Lozerian home world and their only chance is to outrun the signal through the Stargate.

Buck Rogers - S01E20 - A Dream of Jennifer
Buck sees a young woman who looks identical to his girlfriend Jennifer, whom he left behind when he was sent on his space mission in the 20th Century. The girl, whose name is Lela Markeson, catches a flight to "The City on the Sea", (what was once New Orleans), and Buck follows her there. However, Lela was molecularly altered to appear as Jennifer, and sent to lure Buck into a trap set by aliens known as the Koven. The Koven want Buck to attack a freighter that is transporting weapons to the colony on Vega V who they are at war with. Buck refuses, but the alien leader, Reeve, threatens to kill Lela if he does not comply.

Buck Rogers - S01E21 - Space Rockers
Buck learns that whenever the popular rock band "Andromeda" performs a show, the youth around the galaxy break out into violence. Suspecting a connection between the music and the riots, Buck decides to head to "Music World", a former military base turned broadcasting station, to meet the group. There he learns that the band's manager, Lars Mangros, is experimenting with energy patterns and human behavior and is somehow mixing mind-altering frequencies into his band's music. With Andromeda's biggest galaxy-wide concert just hours away from transmission, Buck tries to destroy Mangros' transmitter before the youth of the galaxy tear their worlds apart.
(Note: The funky song continuously played by the band is "Odyssey" by Johnny Harris who composed the track for the episode.)

Buck Rogers - S01E22 - Buck's Duel to the Death
Buck is invited to the planet Katar where he learns that he is to fulfill a prophecy that a 500 year-old man called the "Roshan" will lead an uprising against the "Traybor" – a ruthless warlord who oppresses the Katarian people. The Katarian leader, Prime Minister Darius, asks Buck to simply pose as the Roshan in hopes it will inspire his people to revolt, but not wanting a civil war, Buck instead decides to lead a mission to enter the Traybor's palace and eliminate him covertly. However, an informant tips the tyrant off and Buck's mission is foiled. The Traybor then challenges Buck to a duel to the death, but the dictator has the advantage of a cybernetic implant that allows him to throw deadly bolts of electricity.

Buck Rogers - S01E23 - Flight of the War Witch, pt1-pt2
A UFO lands outside New Chicago and presents a device for navigating an interdimensional vortex into another universe. Buck agrees to be the pilot to enter the vortex, but Princess Ardala steals the device and intends to follow him. Once through, Buck finds the planet Pendar, whose people tell of their conflict with the Zaads, an enemy race ruled by the War Witch Zarina. Lacking the means to wage war, the Pendarans ask Buck to fight their enemy for them. Meanwhile, the Draconians arrive, with Wilma and Dr. Huer against their wishes, but Ardala refuses to help the Pendarans. Buck also declines and the aliens withhold the means for returning to their universe leaving Buck and Ardala trapped with no other choice but to comply. Buck asks Ardala to join forces, but Ardala instead tries to befriend the evil Zaad leader Zarina. However, Ardala's plan backfires when Zarina thinks her a spoiled child, and Ardala is forced to work with Buck in combating the Zaad forces after all.
Note: This was a two-hour episode, later syndicated as a two-part episode. The opening credits sequence of this episode differs from other first season episodes in that it incorporates footage from the TV version of the pilot film, as well as special effects footage that would not be used until the second season premiere, "Time of the Hawk". This episodes also marks the last appearances of Dr. Huer, Dr. Theopolis, Princess Ardala, and Kane.

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