Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Gilbert Gottfried: Dirty Jokes

Gilbert Gottfried: Dirty Jokes is an unabashedly gleeful compendium of filthy gags, some as familiar as high school locker-room banter, some dusted off from Friars Club roasts, and others quite new and shocking. The squinting, gravel-voiced comedian, whose performance clip in The Aristocrats is a highlight of that film, dives into the deep end before a New York City crowd with one sick laugh after another, most having to do with sex (of course) though many others find sport with age, health, and religion. Nothing can be repeated here, but the one about the long-married Jewish guy who makes two requests of a genie is awfully good, while another about two old men sitting on a park bench is priceless. Nothing is off the table: traveling salesmen humor, dead hookers, the bear and the incompetent hunter (that one's priceless). Gottfried also treats the crowd to pretty good impressions of Bill Cosby, Alan King, Jackie Mason, and Jerry Seinfeld. The first dozen jokes might not break through one's defenses, but eventually Gottfried's persistence will. 
Remember USA Up all Night??

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